Parishes Affected

Kennington and South Hinksey


Matter to be considered

Amending the parish boundary south of South Hinksey to include the former Westwood Hotel site, currently in Kennington parish.


Impact on district and county council boundaries


Affects Kennington and Radley and Botley and Sunningwell district wards


Proposal agreed by the Community Governance and Electoral Issues Committee on 26 May 2022 for consultation

To consult on a proposal to make no change to the current boundary between South Hinksey and Kennington parishes.


Summary of responses to the draft proposal consultation


South Hinksey Parish Council has submitted a modified proposal for the transfer of the Westwood Hotel site from Kennington parish to South Hinksey parish. In addition, South Hinksey Parish Council has put forward an additional proposal to include the boundary of the property The Copse within South Hinksey parish.


Kennington parish has restated its objection to the transfer of the Westwood Hotel site. Officers have consulted Kennington Parish Council on the additional proposal relating to The Copse. Any views will be reported to the committee.


Of the four responses received all strongly supported the committee’s draft proposal to make no change.  



  1. To include the whole of the garden known as The Copse within South Hinksey parish.
  2. To make no change to the parish boundary at the Westwood Hotel site.


Justification for final recommendation

The proposal from South Hinksey Parish Council to transfer the garden of the property, known as The Copse, from Kennington parish to South Hinksey parish appears sensible and provides a well-defined boundary.


In respect of the transfer of the Westwood Hotel site neither the previously submitted proposal or the revised proposal submitted during the consultation period, which would result in the transfer of a smaller area of land, address the fact that a well-defined boundary would be difficult to accommodate around the actual site. In addition the site does not lie directly adjacent to South Hinksey parish but is separated from it by open countryside.  As in 2017, it is not considered that the proposal addresses any of the assessment criteria.